Online 200Hrs Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Certification
Hatha • Ashtanga • Vinyasa
For the first time ever, due to the current worldwide situation, Yoga Alliance has allowed giving accredited 200hrs yoga teacher certificates ONLINE when you complete the course.

In order to graduate and get your Yoga Alliance Teacher Accredited Certificate, you will have to complete the following:
- Complete 100% of all course modules, including Module 0.
- Attend a minimum of 3 Zoom calls and watch all Zoom call recordings with your assigned teacher.
- Complete all quizzes.
- Submit all mandatory homework assignments, including recorded videos and written class plans.
- Attend or watch the recordings of the biweekly online workshops for a total of 9 sessions (18 hours).
- Pass both the final written and practical exams.
- Write a final essay on a yoga-related topic with a minimum of 400 words.
- Submit the completion form and course feedback.

Course Information
Estimated Time: 200 Hours
Module 0. Before You Start
- Homework Directory
Module 1. Yoga Foundations
Module 2. Sun Salutation
- Pranayama Benefits and Contraindications
- Beginner Pranayama. Nadi Shodhana and Brahmari
- Morning Asana. Downward Dog and Closing Poses
- History of Yoga pt.2
- Quiz. History of Yoga pt.2
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. Lower Limb
- Yoga Nidra. Cleansing Negative Energy
- Teaching Methodology. Setup Cues
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.2
- Workshop. Sun Salutations
- Homework: Sun Salutations
- Quiz. Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama pt.2
- Guided Meditation. Blockage Clearing
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 2
- Module 2 Course Material
Module 3. Standing Poses
- Beginner Pranayama
- Morning Asana. Dancing Warrior
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. Pelvis and Hip Positions
- Yoga Nidra. Detoxification
- Teaching Methodology. Additional Cues
- Homework: Basic Standing Poses
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.3
- Workshop. Dancing Warrior
- Guided Meditation. Drishti Third Eye
- Quiz. Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama pt.3
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Tadasana
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 3
- Module 3 Course material
Module 4. Finding Balance
- Beginner Pranayama. Review
- Morning Asana. Standing Balance Poses
- Yoga Philosophy. Yoga Sutras pt.1
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.4
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. The Spine
- Yoga Nidra. Heart Expansion
- Teaching Methodology. Additional Teaching Tools
- Homework: Balancing Poses
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.4
- Afternoon Asana. Chest, Back, Folds
- Guided Meditation. Drishti Heart Center
- Quiz. Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama pt.4
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Purvottanasana
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 4
- Module 4 Course Material
Module 5. The Art of Sitting
- Beginner Pranayama. Ujjayi
- Morning Asana. Seated Poses
- Yoga Philosophy. Yoga Sutras pt.2
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.5
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. Shoulders
- Yoga Nidra. Mental Clarity
- Teaching Methodology. Intention and Sangkalpa
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.5
- Homework: Seated Poses
- Workshop. Seated Poses
- Guided Meditation. Heart and Brain Synchronization
- Bonus Chanting. Sahana Vavatu
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Paschimottanasana
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 5
- Module 5 Course Material
Module 6. Harnessing the Breath
- Beginner Pranayama. Kapalabhati
- Morning Asana. Hip Openers
- Philosophy. Yoga Sutras pt.3
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.6
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. Breathing
- Yoga Nidra. Tension Release
- Teaching Methodology. Breathing Cues, and Parts of The Class
- Quiz. Yoga Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.6
- Afternoon Asana Practice. Gentle Yoga Flow
- Guided Meditation. Gratitude
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Natarajasana
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 6
- Module 6 Course Material
Module 7. Self-reflection
- Silent Day
Module 8. Shavasana and Relaxation
- Intermediate Pranayama. Bhastrika and Kapalabhati
- Morning Asana. Vinyasa Flow Yoga
- Yoga Philosophy. Pancha Kosha System
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.8
- Applied Yoga Anatomy. The Upper Limb
- Teaching Methodology. Shavasana and Relaxation Techniques
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.8
- Homework: Shavasana
- Afternoon Asana. Hatha Yoga
- Quiz. Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama pt.8
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 7
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Savasana: Corpse Pose
- Module 8 Course Material
Module 9. Energy is the KEY
- Intermediate Pranayama. Cooling Breathing
- Morning Lecture. Ashtanga Vinyasa Basics
- Yoga Philosophy. Nadis and Vayus
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.9.
- Energy Anatomy. The Chakras
- Teaching Methodology. Adjustments pt.1
- Quiz. Anatomy and Teaching Methodology pt.9
- Afternoon Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Triangle pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 8
- Module 9 Course Material
- Guided Meditation for Aligning the Chakras
Module 10. Philosophy in Practice
- Intermediate Pranayama. Energizing Breath
- Ethics for Yoga Teachers. Yamas & Niyamas
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.10
- Workshop. Ashtanga Surya Namaskar A and B
- Teaching Methodology. Adjustments pt.2 and pt.3
- Homework. Adjustments
- Workshop. Standing Poses
- Quiz. Yoga, Asana, and Pranayama pt.10
- Bonus. Chanting. Asato Ma Sadgamaya
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Shoulder Bridge
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 9
- Module 10-11 Course Material
Module 11. Ashtanga Standing Sequence
- Intermediate Pranayama. Anuloma and Viloma
- Ashtanga Primary Series Sequence Chart
- Morning Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Standing Sequence
- Ethics for Yoga Teachers. Niyamas
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.11
- Homework: Write a Plan for 1 Hour Class
- Afternoon Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa and Mantra
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Sun Salutation
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 10
- Module 10-11 Course Material
Module 12. Art of Sitting
- Intermediate Pranayama. Surya Bedana
- Morning Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Seated Sequence pt.1
- Yoga Philosophy. 5 Pillars, Gunas and The Mind
- Quiz. Yoga Philosophy pt.12
- Afternoon Asana. Twists
- Bonus. Story of Asana. The Eagle Pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 11
- Module 12 Course Material
Module 13. Linking Vinyasas
- Intermediate Pranayama. Review
- Morning Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Seated Sequence pt.2
- Teaching Methodology. Linking Vinyasas
- Quiz. Teaching Methodology pt.13
- Homework: Write a Plan Applying Linking Vinyasas
- Afternoon Asana. Vinyasa Flow
- Homework. Teach 30 minutes of Your Class Plan
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Cobra Pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 12
- Module 13 Course Material
Module 14. Self-reflection
- Silent Day
Module 15. Class Design A
- Intermediate Pranayama Practice
- Morning Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Finishing Sequence
- Teaching Methodology. Sequence Design pt.1
- Homework: Apply Sequence Design pt.1
- Afternoon Asana. Arms Strengthening vinyasa Flow
- Quiz. Teaching Methodology pt.15
- Bonus. Chanting. Guru Stotram
- Bonus. Story of Asana. The Lotus Pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 13
- Module 15 Course Material
Module 16. Class Design B
- Intermediate Pranayama. Bandhas
- Morning Asana. Twisted Sequence
- Teaching Methodology. Sequence Design pt.2
- Homework: Apply Sequence Design pt.2
- Workshop. Inversions
- Quiz. Teaching Methodology pt.16
- Bonus. Story of Asana. The Side Plank
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 14
- Module 16 Course Material
Module 17. Class Design C
- Advanced Pranayama. Agnisara
- Morning Asana. Backbending
- Teaching Methodology. Sequence Design pt.3
- Homework: Apply Sequence Design pt.3
- Afternoon Asana. Twisted Sequence
- Quiz. Pranayama and Teaching Methodology pt.17
- Yoga and Social Media
- Story of Asana. Monkey Pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 15
- Module 17 Course Material
Module 18. Pranayama and Yoga Nidra
- Advanced Pranayama. Agnisara Review
- Morning Asana. Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Full Practice
- Homework 1A : Write a Pranayama Class
- Teaching Practice 1B. Write a Yoga Nidra Class
- Business Of Yoga
- Homework 2A. Teach a Pranayama Class
- Homework 2B. Teach a Yoga Nidra class
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Half Moon Pose
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 16
- Module 18 Course Material
Module 19. Applied Ayurveda
- Advanced Pranayama
- Morning Asana. Vinyasa Flow Inversions
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- Quiz. Introduction to Ayurveda
- Homework: Write a Class Based on Ayurvedic Principles
- Final Exam – Practical
- Bonus. Story of Asana. Sage Marichi
- Bonus. Sanskrit Lesson 17
- Module 19 Course Material
Module 20. Congratulations!
- Written Exam: Workshops
- Final Written Exam pt.1
- Final Written Exam pt.2
- Final Written Exam pt.3
- Final Written Exam pt.4
- Final Exam Assignment: Essay
- Congratulations on completing your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training!
- Completion Confirmation
- How to Register with Yoga Alliance
Complete Feedback Forms to Access Bonus Material
- Course Feedback Survey
Bonus Material
- Forms, Books, Sequences, and More