Cues for Upward Facing Dog?

  • Marjory Jubitana

    December 31, 2021 at 6:49 pm

    Ideally, your hands don’t move position when flowing through vinyasa. You cue them once in HIGH PLANK (shoulders in line with wrists) So you would cue as followed (pick and choose):

    roll over the toes
    knees & hips lift off the mat; legs are engaged
    straighten the arms –> Upward Facing Dog

    additional cues:

    keep lifting the chest to prevent pinching in the lower back.
    gaze is fwd
    shoulders away from ears

    • Gabrielle Revlock

      January 10, 2022 at 4:58 pm

      Thanks. That makes sense. I suppose I’m thinking about for a very beginner class where they might not be flowing or might do another prone asana before going into updog.

      • Marjory Jubitana

        January 13, 2022 at 9:59 pm

        As long as you cue the wrist in line with the shoulders you should be fine. Remember, it’s a very logical pose that is very hard to mess up as you’re doing the balancing mostly on your hands and the tops of your feet.

        The lower rib cue makes more sense if you’re explaining it standing up, but it’s the elbows that are actually pinched into the lower ribs, not the hands. Those are directly underneath the shoulders,

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