Trying to Find How to Resume my Course
Trying to Find How to Resume my Course
Hi! I have completed 2/3 of my online study and have my homework done. I was in a group last year – I had signed up but it took a while for my group to form. When it did, they decided to meet early on Thursdays which was exactly when I could not meet. So I missed most of them – I would jump on at the end of them as I raced out of work. I asked where to send my homework and could not figure out where to send the links. I think I misunderstood the information at the beginning because I thought a mentor would contact me and I would have someone I could email questions to – but it looks like the group leader was who I was supposed to contact and send the links to? Now I have passed all the time limits which I was not sure about to begin with – so – is there someone I can speak to – so I can resume where I was and complete the course? Thank you! My email is and my phone number is in the USA 931-623-9609 if anyone wants to shoot me an email or text or whatever. I just want to get this sorted out and the only communication that has been successful for me has been through support but I just want to find a solution and that feels like it is taking a while. THANK YOU AGAIN
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