Bakasana-Crane Pose
- arms Strengthen, core to help hold you up.
- Strengthens glutes and adductors.
- Strengthens shoulder stabilizers.
- Prepares you for most other arm balances.
- It helps make your wrists stronger.
- Stretches your upper back and groin.
- Your spine is toned and strengthened.
- The pose can improve your sense of balance and focus.
- Helps to build confidence, courage and combat fear.
Parasva Bakasana – Side Crane Pose
- It improves your balancing power
- Strengthens the abdominal muscles and spine.
- It stretches the upper back and groin region very well.
- It helps in providing flexibility to the lower back area and spine.
- Improves your digestion system and helps in body detoxification.
Vashistasana Variations – Upward Side Plank
- Strengthens and tones the arms, core, oblique muscles and side leg muscles.
- The sense of balance is improved with this asana
- Posture of Spine is improved
- It will improve focus and concentration.
Chaturanga Dandasana – Four Limbed Staff Pose
- Strengthens the upper arms muscles
- Strengthens the muscles around the shoulders
- Core strengthening
- Strengthens various muscles in the whole body
Bhujapidasana – Shoulder Pressing Pose
- Strengthens your wrists, hands, chest, shoulder and your upper body.
- Tones the abdominal muscles and internal organs.
- Improves the metabolism
- This asana will enhance your overall balance mentally and physically.