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300Hrs Yoga Teacher Training

0% Complete
0/481 Steps
Lesson 7 of 481
In Progress


Public Group

As part of the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training, make sure to join the Students Group, it’s an open group where you can chat with other students/ teachers, share comments and photos on the wall as feeds, in addition, to join a particular discussion. In addition, there are groups covering some of the largest cities too!

Private Group

The lead teacher will contact you through a private message on our platform to allocate you in a Study Group according to your preference.

At the other hand, each group has a mentor teacher that will guide you through the Zoom Sessions.

The group and Zoom Calls will give enough time for all to experience different roles of teaching, evaluating, and practising under the guidance of your Lead teacher.

In the Feed You can share comments, smiles, and photos, reply to other comments, and give thumbs up for any comment you like 🙂

Discussion: in case you feel like joining or open a new topic, use discussion for more focused and organized communication in a structured, bulletin-board style fashion.