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300Hrs Yoga Teacher Training

0% Complete
0/488 Steps
Lesson 1 of 488
In Progress

Opening Ceremony

Welcome! Today we light the candle of our journey.

This is the beginning of the beautiful journey towards achieving a great dream – both for you and for us. You are becoming a yogi, and we are blessed to offer you this fruit of our labor to help you. Take your time to consciously work towards becoming the person you want to be. Take your time to help yourself. Take your time to be the best you can. In nine weeks you will look at yourself and see an accomplished person. Remember – we are here for you at each step!


  1. This was so inspiring, I’m committed to work on myself consciously to be the best version of myself after 2 month and a half from now . Namaste ??

  2. I wish to be a better, more fulfilled person in two plus months… one who is happier with herself and so she can share her path with those around her.

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