Module 0. Before You...
- How Does It All Work
- Course Structure
- Student Data
- Groups
- Zoom Calls
- Networking and Social Life...
- Homework Submissions
- Homework Directory
- On Demand Private Classes...
- Self Contract
- Home Practice Log
- Journaling
- Reading Recommendations...
- Accessing on Mobile
- Course Manual
- Bonus Classes
0/16 -
Module 1. Yoga Found...
- Opening ceremony
- Beginner Pranayama Belly Ri...
- History of Yoga pt1
- Quiz History of Yoga pt1...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy Feet a...
- Yoga Nidra GroundingEarth...
- Teaching Methodology The 4 ...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Afternoon Asana Sun Salutat...
- Guided Meditation Spinal Ac...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Bonus Introduction to Mantr...
- Bonus Chanting Gayatri Mant...
- Bonus Story of Asana Virabh...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 1...
- Module 1 Course Material...
- Yoga Poses Glossary
0/17 -
Module 2. Sun Saluta...
- Pranayama Benefits and Cont...
- Beginner Pranayama Nadi Sho...
- Morning Asana Downward Dog ...
- History of Yoga pt2
- Quiz History of Yoga pt2...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy Lower ...
- Yoga Nidra Cleansing Negati...
- Teaching Methodology Setup ...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Workshop Sun Salutations...
- Homework Sun Salutations...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Guided Meditation Blockage ...
- Bonus Story of Asana Ardha ...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 2...
- Module 2 Course Material...
0/16 -
Module 3. Standing P...
- Beginner Pranayama
- Morning Asana Dancing Warri...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy Pelvis...
- Yoga Nidra Detoxification...
- Teaching Methodology Additi...
- Homework Basic Standing Pos...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Workshop Dancing Warrior...
- Guided Meditation Drishti T...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Bonus Story of Asana Tadasa...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 3...
- Module 3 Course material...
0/13 -
Module 4. Finding Ba...
- Beginner Pranayama Review...
- Morning Asana Standing Bala...
- Yoga Philosophy Yoga Sutras...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt4...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy The Sp...
- Yoga Nidra Heart Expansion...
- Teaching Methodology Additi...
- Homework Balancing Poses...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Afternoon Asana Chest Back ...
- Guided Meditation Drishti H...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Bonus Story of Asana Purvot...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 4...
- Module 4 Course Material...
0/15 -
Module 5. The Art of...
- Beginner Pranayama Ujjayi...
- Morning Asana Seated Poses...
- Yoga Philosophy Yoga Sutras...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt5...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy Should...
- Yoga Nidra Mental Clarity...
- Teaching Methodology Intent...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Homework Seated Poses...
- Workshop Seated Poses...
- Guided Meditation Heart and...
- Bonus Chanting Sahana Vavat...
- Bonus Story of Asana Paschi...
- Bonus SanskritLesson 5...
- Module 5 Course Material...
0/15 -
Module 6. Harnessing...
- Beginner Pranayama Kapalabh...
- Morning Asana Hip Openers...
- Philosophy Yoga Sutras pt3...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt6...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy Breath...
- Yoga Nidra Tension Release...
- Teaching Methodology Breath...
- Quiz Yoga Anatomy and Teach...
- Afternoon Asana Practice Ge...
- Guided Meditation Gratitude...
- Bonus Story of Asana Natara...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 6...
- Module 6 Course Material...
0/13 -
Module 7. Self-refle...0/1
Module 8. Shavasana ...
- Intermediate Pranayama Bhas...
- Morning Asana Vinyasa Flow ...
- Yoga Philosophy Pancha Kosh...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt8...
- Applied Yoga Anatomy The Up...
- Teaching Methodology Shavas...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Homework Shavasana
- Afternoon Asana Hatha Yoga...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 7...
- Bonus Story of Asana Savasa...
- Module 8 Course Material...
0/13 -
Module 9. Energy is ...
- Intermediate Pranayama Cool...
- Morning Lecture Ashtanga Vi...
- Yoga Philosophy Nadis and V...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt9...
- Energy Anatomy The Chakras...
- Teaching Methodology Adjust...
- Quiz Anatomy and Teaching M...
- Afternoon Asana Ashtanga Vi...
- Bonus Story of Asana Triang...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 8...
- Module 9 Course Material...
- Guided Meditation for Align...
0/12 -
Module 10. Philosoph...
- Intermediate Pranayama Ener...
- Ethics for Yoga Teachers Ya...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt10...
- Workshop Ashtanga Surya Nam...
- Teaching Methodology Adjust...
- Homework Adjustments
- WorkshopStanding Poses...
- Quiz Yoga Asana and Pranaya...
- Bonus Chanting Asato Ma Sad...
- Bonus Story of Asana Should...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 9...
- Module 1011 Course Material...
0/12 -
Module 11. Ashtanga ...
- Intermediate Pranayama Anul...
- Ashtanga Primary Series Seq...
- Morning Asana Ashtanga Viny...
- Ethics for Yoga Teachers Ni...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt11...
- Homework Write a Plan for 1...
- Afternoon Asana Ashtanga Vi...
- Bonus Story of Asana Sun Sa...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 10...
- Module 1011 Course Material...
0/10 -
Module 12. Art of Si...
- Intermediate Pranayama Sury...
- Morning Asana Ashtanga Viny...
- Yoga Philosophy 5 Pillars G...
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy pt12...
- Afternoon Asana Twists...
- BonusStory of Asana The Eag...
- BonusSanskrit Lesson 11...
- Module 12 Course Material...
0/8 -
Module 13. Linking V...
- Intermediate Pranayama Revi...
- Morning Asana Ashtanga Viny...
- Teaching Methodology Linkin...
- Quiz Teaching Methodology p...
- Homework Write a Plan Apply...
- Afternoon Asana Vinyasa Flo...
- Homework Teach 30 minutes o...
- Bonus Story of Asana Cobra ...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 12...
- Module 13 Course Material...
0/10 -
Module 14. Self-refl...0/1
Module 15. Class Des...
- Intermediate Pranayama Prac...
- Morning Asana Ashtanga Viny...
- Teaching Methodology Sequen...
- Homework Apply Sequence Des...
- Afternoon Asana Arms Streng...
- Quiz Teaching Methodology p...
- Bonus Chanting Guru Stotram...
- Bonus Story of Asana The Lo...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 13...
- Module 15 Course Material...
0/10 -
Module 16. Class Des...
- Intermediate Pranayama Band...
- Morning Asana Twisted Seque...
- Teaching Methodology Sequen...
- Homework Apply Sequence Des...
- Workshop Inversions
- Quiz Teaching Methodology p...
- Bonus Story of Asana The Si...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 14...
- Module 16 Course Material...
0/9 -
Module 17. Class Des...
- Advanced Pranayama Agnisara...
- Morning Asana Backbending...
- Teaching Methodology Sequen...
- Homework Apply Sequence Des...
- Afternoon Asana Twisted Seq...
- Quiz Pranayama and Teaching...
- Yoga and Social Media...
- Story of Asana Monkey Pose...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 15...
- Module 17 Course Material...
0/10 -
Module 18. Pranayama...
- Advanced Pranayama Agnisara...
- Morning Asana Ashtanga Viny...
- Homework 1A Write a Pranay...
- Teaching Practice 1B Write ...
- Business Of Yoga
- Homework 2A Teach a Pranaya...
- Homework 2B Teach a Yoga Ni...
- Bonus Story of Asana Half M...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 16...
- Module 18 Course Material...
0/10 -
Module 19. Applied A...
- Advanced Pranayama
- Morning Asana Vinyasa Flow ...
- Introduction to Ayurveda...
- Quiz Introduction to Ayurve...
- Homework Write a Class Base...
- Final Exam 8211 Practical...
- Bonus Story of Asana Sage M...
- Bonus Sanskrit Lesson 17...
- Module 19 Course Material...
0/9 -
Module 20. Congratul...
- Written Exam Workshops...
- Final Written Exam pt1...
- Final Written Exam pt2...
- Final Written Exam pt3...
- Final Written Exam pt4...
- Final Exam Assignment Essay...
- Congratulations on completi...
- Completion Confirmation...
- How to Register with Yoga A...
0/10 -
Complete Feedback Fo...0/1
Bonus Material0/1
Reading Recommendations
As you begin your journey, several books will be very beneficial to have a stronger grasp on yoga philosophy and practice. These books are not mandatory to read, but will give a greater opportunity for reflection during the course.

BKS Iyengar Light on Yoga – The introduction of the book is a great start for yogis looking to understand more about the philosophy beyond asana. Iyengar based his teachings on Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Light on Yoga explains the Eight Limbs of Yoga in an easy to digest manner.Light on Yoga provides page after page of inspiration for your practice on and off the mat.

Paramahansa Yogananda – Autobiography of Yogi Selected as “One of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century,” Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi has been regarded worldwide as a spiritual classic. It reads like an adventure story while answering questions about religion, God, existence, yoga, higher consciousness, and the challenges of daily spiritual living.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati – Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra – Is the main reference text used by Yoga teachers and students of many different traditions.This comprehensive text provides clear illustrations. step by step directions and details of chakra awareness. It guides the practitioner or teacher from the simplest to the most advanced practices of hatha yoga system.

Comments are closed.
how i can dowload the book ?
Hi Phan,
You can find it in Bonus material the very last in the module list and klil the link to google drive and you will find the material of e-book.
I got the light on yoga a brilliant read love it keep it as a bible 🙂
This spring I purchased and started reading
“Inside the Yoga Sutras” by Reverend Jaganath Carrera
“The key Muscles of Yoga vol1” by Ray Long
“Eating Animals” By J.S.Foer
“Baghavat Gita”
Haven t finished reading as I was working through all summer in tourism and had vey little time.
What is your opinion?
Of course I intend to to check the ematerial you propose
Thank you
Added to cart and purchased!
I ordered ” Light on Yoga ”
the computer technology is my challenge so far
Swami Satyananda Saraswati, i cannot find online.
Dear Susanti,
Hope this helpful, i find it on amazon, here’s the link https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017TKDHI0/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0
Best, student support
Hi guys,
I found this free PDF format online, not sure if it will work with you, but I dwonloaded it with no problem.
This is the correct link, apologies: https://www.znakovi-vremena.net/en/Swami-Satyananda-Saraswati—Asana-Pranayama-Mudra-Bandha.pdf
Can’t wait to have this e-book after the last module.