Virabadrasana l – Warrior 1 Pose
- It boosts your stamina and helps balance the mind and the body.
- Strengthens the arms, legs as well as the lower back muscles.
- It helps combat the symptoms of a frozen shoulders.
- Fastens your metabolism.
- Helps with weight loss.
Virabhadrasana 2 – Warrior 2 Pose
- Strengthens the legs
- Opens up the hips
- Tones the abdomen muscles
- Tones the shoulders and arms
- Develops balance and stability
- Improves circulation and respiration
Parivritta Trikonasana – Revolved Triangle Pose
- Helps in wight loss
- Ful body twist and stretch
- Good for the overall health of the reproductive system of women Helps with back, and lower back pain.
- Strengthens the neck, quadriceps, and shoulder muscles.
- Multiple chakras opening.
Utthita Parsvakonasana – Extended Side Angle Pose
- The posture improves flexibility at the joints with a deep stretch at the hip, knee, and ankle.
- Strengthens the leg muscles and prepare them for other hard poses.
- It helps tone the body and the muscles around the arms, chest, abdomen, legs, and hips and build and develop strength and stamina.
- Deep side body stretch
Trikonasana – Triangle Pose
- Activates your core muscles, which aids in balance and stability.
- Stretches and lengthens the spine.
- Opens the hips and shoulders.
- Increases stability.
- Expands the side waist.
Utkata Konasana – Goddess Pose
- Good for building external and internal strength.
- Opens up the quadriceps, hamstrings, knees and ankles
- Tones and strengthens the inner thigh muscles.
- Helps women to improve fertility and is more beneficial for pregnant women, as it works for the pelvic floor and helps to open the hips for childbirth.
Utkattasana – Chair Pose
- Reduces Flat Feet
- Tones and strengthens the legs muscles
- Strengthens the Ankles
- Improves Body balance
- Improves body alignment
- Eliminates back and neck pain
- Improves breathing
Prasarita padottanasana – Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Stretches the hamstrings.
- Stretches the inner thighs.
- Is a hip opener and also involves deep hip flexion.
- Helps find length and release for the spine and neck.
- Calms the mind.
- Strengthens the quadriceps and hip flexors.
- Strengthens the calf muscles and ankle muscles.
Parsvottanasana – Standing Side Stretch Pose
- Stretches the hamstrings.
- Strengthens the quads.
- Strengthens the calf muscles in the front leg and stretches them on the back leg.
- Builds strength in the hip stabilizers.
- Strengthens your spine.
- Strengthens the ankles and feet, as they are key to finding balance in the pose.
- Helps to build support for your lower back.
- Builds strength in your upper back.
Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana – Revolved Bound Angle Pose
Improves flexibility
Stimulates the abdominal organs
Promotes the sense of stability
When practicing this asana regularly it gives you sense of self confidence and reliance