Online 300Hrs Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Certification
Hatha • Vinyasa
Yoga Alliance currently allows accredited 300-hour yoga teacher certifications to be completed online

In order to graduate and get your Yoga Alliance Teacher accredited certificate, you will have to complete the following:
- Mark Lessons Complete: Achieve 100% progress in all 66 modules.
- Attend Live Sessions: Complete at least 45 hours.
- Pass Exams: Demonstrate proficiency in teaching, pranayama, meditation, and key topics (7+ hours of conducting live sessions).
- Submit Essay: Write an 800-word essay on a topic of your choice.
- Complete Feedback Form: Submit the feedback form.
- Upon completing these steps, you will receive your Yoga Alliance 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Certificate, accredited worldwide.

Course Information
Estimated Time: 300 Hours
Before You Begin
Module 1
Module 2
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (1)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Sankalpa
- Anatomy. Musculoskeletal System
- Quiz Anatomy
- Reflection M2
- Module 2 Course Material
Module 3
- Vinyasa Flow. Scaling Your Mountain
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. The Four Purusharthas or Goals In Life
- Yoga History. Ancient Period
- Quiz History
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M3
- Module 3 Course Material
- Bonus 2. Sanskrit Introduction
Module 4
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (2)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Health And Wellbeing
- Anatomy. Biomechanics And Movement Of Joints
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M4
- Module 4 Course Material
Module 5
- Quiz. Philosophy M40
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Gratitude
- Yoga Philosophy. The Four Margas Of Yoga
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M5
- Module 5 Course Material
- Bonus 3. Gayatri Mantra
Module 6
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (3)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- Anatomy. Muscular Contractions
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M6
- Module 6 Course Material
Module 7 Challenge
- Shatkriyas
- Ayurvedic Cooking Class. Kitchari
Module 8
- Vinyasa Flow. Inner Warrior
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Chakra Balancing
- Yoga History. Modern Period
- Quiz History
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M8
- Module 8 Course Material
- Bonus 4. Sanskrit Lesson 2
Module 9
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (4)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Yamas
- Anatomy. Endocrine System
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M9
- Module 9 Course Material
Module 10
- Vinyasa Flow. Unlocking The Lotus
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Niyamas
- Yoga History. Modern Period
- Quiz History
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M10
- Module 10 Course Material
- Bonus 5. Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra
Module 11
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (5)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Alignment
- Anatomy. The Nervous System
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M11
- Module 11 Course Material
Module 12
- Vinyasa Flow. Express Yourself
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Gayatri Mantra Meditation
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.1 To 1.4
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M12
- Module 12 Course Material
- Bonus 6. Sanskrit Lesson 3
Module 13
- Hatha Yoga. Abhyasa (6)
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Health And Well-being
- Quiz Anatomy: Cardio-Circulatory System And Lymphatic System
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M13
- Module 13 Course Material
Module 14 Challenge and Practice 1
- 108 Surya Namaskaar
Module 15
- ABHYASA 1: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Sankalpa
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.5 To 1.11
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M15
- Module 15 Course Material
- Quiz Anatomy
- Bonus 7. Mahamrityumjaya Mantra
Module 16
- ABHYASA 2: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. The Four Purusharthas or Goals In Life
- Anatomy. Respiratory System
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M16
- Module 16 Course Material
Module 17
- ABHYASA 3: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. OM Chanting
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.12 To 1.16
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M17
- Module 17 Course Material
- Bonus 8. Sanskrit Lesson 4
Module 18
- ABHYASA 4: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- Anatomy. The Digestive & Excretory System
- Quiz Anatomy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M18
- Module 18 Course Material
Module 19
- ABHYASA 5: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Chakra Balancing
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.17 To 1.22
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M19
- Module 19 Course Material
- Bonus 9. Om Namah Shivaya Mantra
Module 20
- ABHYASA 6: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Niyamas
- Energy Anatomy. The Theory Of Koshas, Nadis and Vayus
- Quiz Anatomy Energy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M20
- Module 20 Course Material
Module 21 Challenge and Practice 2
- 108 Surya Namaskaar
Module 22
- ABHYASA 7: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Yamas
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.23 To 1.29
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection
- Module 22 Course Material
- Bonus 10. Sanskrit Lesson 5
Module 23
- ABHYASA 8: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Alignment
- Energy Anatomy. The Theory Of Chakras
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 23
- Quiz Energy Anatomy
- Module 23 Course Material
- Bonus. In Depth explanation About The Chakra
Module 24
- ABHYASA 9: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Gayatri Mantra Meditation
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.30 To 1.40
- Quiz Philosophy 1.29
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 24
- Module 24 Course Material
- Bonus 11. Shanti Paath. The Peace Convocation
Module 25
- ABHYASA 10: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Health And Well-being
- Teaching Methodology. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz. Teaching Methodology uth trikonasan
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 25
- Module 25 Course Material
Module 26
- ABHYASA 11: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Sankalpa
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.41 To 1.45
- Quiz Philosophy 1.44
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 26
- Module 26 Course Material
- Bonus 12. Sanskrit Lesson 6
Module 27
- ABHYASA 12: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. OM Chanting
- Teaching Methodology 2. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Module 27 Course Material
- Reflection 27
Module 28 Challenge and Practice 3
- 108 Surya Namaskaar
Module 29
- ABHYASA 13: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- YogaSutras 1. Samadhi Pada 1.45 To 1.51
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 29
- Module 29 Course Material
- Bonus 13. Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya Mantra
Module 30
- ABHYASA 14: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Chakra Balancing
- Teaching Methodology 3. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 30
- Module 30 Course Material
Module 31
- ABHYASA 15: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- YogaSutras 2. Sadhana Pada 2.1 To 2.11
- Quiz Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 31
- Module 31 Course Material
- Bonus 14. Sanskrit Lesson 7
Module 32
- ABHYASA 16: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Niyamas
- Teaching Methodology 4. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 32
- Module 32 Course Material
Module 33
- ABHYASA 17: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Yamas
- YogaSutras 2. Sadhana Pada 2.12 To 2.19
- Quiz Yoga Philosophy
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 33
- Module 33 Course Material
- Bonus 15. Buddham Saranam Gacchami Mantra
Module 34
- ABHYASA 18: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Gayatri Mantra Meditation
- Teaching Methodology 5. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology supt vajr
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 34
- Module 34 Course Material
Module 35 Challenge and Practice 4
- Shatkriyas
Module 36
- ABHYASA 19: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Alignment
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- YogaSutras 2. Sadhana Pada 2.20 To 2.27
- Quiz Philosophy
- Reflection 36
- Module 36 Course Material
- Bonus 16. Sanskrit Lesson 8
Module 37
- ABHYASA 20: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Sankalpa
- Teaching Methodology 6. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 37
- Module 37 Course Material
Module 38
- ABHYASA 21: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Health And Well-being
- YogaSutras 2. Sadhana Pada 2.28 To 2.39
- Quiz Philosophy M38
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M38
- Module 38 Course Material
- Bonus 17. Tumari Darshan Ki Bela
Module 39
- ABHYASA 22: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. OM Chanting
- Teaching Methodology 7. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M39
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M39
- Module 39 Course Material
Module 40
- ABHYASA 23: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. The Four Purusharthas or Goals In Life
- YogaSutras 2. Sadhana Pada 2.40 To 2.55
- Quiz. Philosophy M40
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M40
- Module 40 Course Material
- Bonus 18. Sanskrit Lesson 9
Module 41
- ABHYASA 24: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Niyamas
- Teaching Methodology 8. Asanas Foundations 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M41
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M41
- Module 41 Course Material
Module 42 Challenge and Practice 5
- 90 minute Hathta-Vinyasa Flow
Module 43
- ABHYASA 25: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. OM Chanting
- YogaSutras 3. Vibhuti Pada 3.1 To 3.12
- Quiz Philosophy M43
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection 43
- Module 43 Course Material
- Bonus 19. Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo Mantra
Module 44
- ABHYASA 26: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Alignment
- Surya Namaskar Alignment 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M44
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M44
- Module 44 Course Material
Module 45
- ABHYASA 27: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Yamas
- YogaSutras 3. Vibhuti Pada 3.13 To 3.35
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M45
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M45
- Module 45 Course Material
- Bonus 20. Sanskrit Lesson 10
Module 46
- ABHYASA 28: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Gayatri Mantra Meditation
- Teaching Methodology 9. Energizing Pranayama 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M46
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M46
- Module 46 Course Material
Module 47
- ABHYASA 29: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- YogaSutras 3. Vibhuti Pada 3.36 To 3.56
- Quiz Philosophy M47
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M47
- Module 47 Course Material
- Bonus 21. Sankalpa Of The Day
Module 48
- ABHYASA 30: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Sankalpa
- Teaching Methodology 10. Balancing Pranayama 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M48
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M48
- Module 48 Course Material
Module 49 Challenge and Practice 6
- 108 Surya Namaskaar
Module 50
- ABHYASA 31: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Health And Well-being
- YogaSutras 4. Kaivalya Pada 4.1 To 4.17
- Quiz Philosophy M50
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M50
- Module 50 Course Material
- Bonus 22. Sanskrit Lesson 11
Module 51
- ABHYASA 32: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. OM Chanting
- Teaching Methodology. Relaxing Pranayama 101
- Quiz Teaching Methodology M51
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M51
- Module 51 Course Material
Module 52
- ABHYASA 33: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation. The Four Purusharthas or Goals In Life
- YogaSutras 4. Kaivalya Pada 4.18 To 4.34
- Quiz: Philosophy M52
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M52
- Module 52 Course Material
Module 53
- ABHYASA 34: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Chakra Balancing
- Mudras. The Psychic Gestures
- Quiz Teaching Methodology mudra
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M53
- Module 53 Course Material
Module 54
- ABHYASA 35: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Abundance
- Business Yoga. Marketing Lecture
- Quiz Business Online M54
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M54
- Module 54 Course Material
Module 55
- ABHYASA 36: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Niyamas
- Foundations Of A Yoga Teacher
- Quiz Business Yoga M55
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M55
- Module 55 Course Material
Module 56 Exam Week 1
- Presentations Program M56
- Final Written Exam Pt. 1: History of Yoga
- Final Written Exam Pt. 2: Yoga Sutras & Philosophy
- Final Written Exam Pt. 3: Anatomy
- Final Written Exam Pt. 4: Teaching Methodology
Module 57
- ABHYASA 37: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation On The Yamas
- Business Yoga. Marketing Lecture.2
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M57
- Module 57 Course Material
Module 58
- ABHYASA 38: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Gayatri Mantra Meditation
- Foundations Of A Yoga Teacher 2
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M58
- Module 58 Course Material
Module 59
- ABHYASA 39: Yoga & Meditation
- Pranayama Practice Routine
- Meditation For Alignment
- Yoga Ethics
- Yoga Nidra Routine
- Reflection M59
- Module 59 Course Material
Module 60 Forming a Habit 1
- ABHYASA 2: Yoga & Meditation
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
- Bonus. Benefits Of Yoga Practice
Module 61 Forming a Habit 2
- ABHYASA 2: Yoga & Meditation
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
Module 62 Forming a Habit 3
- ABHYASA 2: Yoga & Meditation
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
Module 63 Exam Week2
- Essay Assignment
- Graduation Requirements
- Registering on Yoga Alliance
Module 64 Forming a Habit 4
- ABHYASA 2: Yoga & Meditation
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
Module 65 Forming a Habit 5
- PRACTICE Pure Bliss in Nature
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
Module 66 Forming a Habit 6
- PRACTICE Pure Bliss in Nature
- Breathwork Meditation – Awaken
- YOGA NIDRA – Yogic Sleep Meditation
- Completion Form
- How to Register with Yoga Alliance
Complete Feedback Form
- Course Feedback Survey
Bonus Materials
- Forms, Books, Sequences, and More