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300Hrs Yoga Teacher Training

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About the Course, Once More

In words of House of Om founder, Wissam Barakeh:

“Our House Of OM™️ online program is a guided sacred journey that helps you in your yogic path to achieve a higher state of consciousness and self-discovery, to center yourself and master how to become a highly trained and heart-centered Yogi, in addition to becoming an advanced yoga alliance accredited teacher.

Our vision as a conscious community and holistic school is to add more peace and love to the world to raise the collective and individual consciousness.

Our mission is to share the ancient wisdom of yoga and how to train like a real yogi, to direct students into the life of meditation and inner peace.

Our practice is beyond Asana and Anatomy, it’s about how to immerse into the whole range of Yoga Practices including Shatkriyas, Mudras, Bandhas, Pranayama, Mantra, Yoga Nidra, and Meditation with special attention to yoga philosophy (In-depth learning of the 196 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) and the History of Yoga.”

The school was established to offer a space of immersion in the ancient art of yoga and meditation, and to explore this knowledge in depth.

This is done with the guidance of passionate teachers, in a nourishing environment for the heart and soul, and along like-minded seekers of spiritual growth. Our courses help to cultivate inner well being, happiness, joy, radiate greater love and compassion towards self, and others.

Passion for a new life, new skills, and positive vision for the future is all that it takes. 

Our deepest intent is to teach yoga in a dedicated and disciplined manner, so you would become not only a great yoga teacher, but also a yogi who inspires the world.

Lead Teacher, Manish Pole

This 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training is designed in a way that is meant to engage you and other students in collective work. You will be presented with 66 Modules, each estimated to take around 5 hours to complete. Within these five hours you will find a depth of knowledge on yoga practice and philosophy.

We adopt a teaching methodology based on Hatha Yoga. It includes Asana, Shatkriyas, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas and Meditation, including Om chanting, Yoga Nidra and other visualization meditation techniques. You will also learn more about Vinyasa Flow – practicing both Hatha and Vinyasa regularly will leave you well equipped to teach internationally.

Furthermore, our course has a significantly deep immersion into anatomy, and physiology.

We teach our students all the 196 Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Samkhya school, Vedanta and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Since we merge practice with philosophy, this approach prepares them for a critical appreciation of the yoga style they are taught.

We also teach the history of modern yoga for students to understand the streams of yoga seen today. We look at the roles of Sw. Vivekananda, Pranahamsa Yogananda, T. Krishnamacharya, B. K. S. Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, Sw. Rama, Mahrishi Mahesh Yogi, Bikram Choudhury, Osho, Baba Ramdev and Sadhguru Of special mention is our lectures on the history of ancient yoga, where we look at the contributions of Adiyogi, Krishna, Buddha and, of course, Patanjali. 

With this comprehensive teaching and examination we hope to meet our vision to not only create yoga teachers, but to inspire future yogis.